The Countercharge

Exposing Tyranny and Corruption

31 May, 2007

Was the Omagh Bomb Allowed to Happen?

Detailed Prior Warnings:

The families of the Omagh victims have been calling for a full Cross Border Public Enquiry into the attack. Former agent and ‘whistleblower’ Kevin Fulton, who had infiltrated the IRA alleged that he had warned security services in advance of an attack. He claimed this information could have prevented the attack if it was acted upon.

The allegations where investigated in 2001 by the Northern Ireland Police Ombudsman Nuala O’Loan. BBC

The report concluded that Kevin Fulton was considered as a reliable informant. His warnings did not. specifically mention Omagh, but gave information about suspects, possible plots and the location of bombs.

‘Mrs O'Loan said: "My conclusion is that even if reasonable action had been taken on the information from Fulton, it is unlikely that the Omagh bomb could have been prevented."’

However, O’Loan’s investigation also found that there was another warning by an anonymous caller which specifically mentioned an attack in Omagh on the 15th August, the day of the bombing. The warning was not acted upon by Special Branch. If it had been, and it should have been, the attack could well have been prevented.
BBC Archive Report

Developments Since 2001 Ombudsman’s Report

The Nally Report investigated claims that the Garda failed to pass on information to the RUC about the Omagh bomb plot and allowed it to happen. The Nally report denied the claims.

Michael Gallagher, father of a bomb victim and Chairman of the Omagh Support and Self Help Group, has said that the report is inadequate because it did not include the evidence of,Paddy Dixon.

According to the Observer:
‘Dixon was the most important police informer (Garda) inside the Real IRA in the crucial months leading up to the 1998 Omagh bombing, which left 29 dead…

In total, five Real IRA bombing missions were thwarted, thanks to Dixon's intelligence But in order to give Dixon credibility within the terrorist organsation… the Garda ordered that a number of attacks be allowed through. They included a massive bomb attack that devastated Moira in February 1998. No one died in the blast, but the next sortie allowed through, however, would have far more serious consequences.’ Observer

In short Dixon claims the Omagh bomb was allowed to go ahead. Again Nuala O’Loan is convinced Dixon is credible.

'The puzzle remains - why won't the Garda let Paddy Dixon talk to the PSNI?' Michael Gallagher

New Investigation

The families have been campaigning and lobbying to get a new investigation. New Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness has spoken of his support for the idea.

'"Republicans would be only too glad to co-operate with any independent, international investigation into the bomb explosion, because we think the PSNI (Police Service) themselves have questions to answer. There's a very strong belief within Irish Republicanism that the PSNI not alone failed to investigate the Omagh bomb properly, but the RUC actually knew about the bomb before it took place."

Only one man has been charged with the Omagh murders, south Armagh electrician Sean Hoey.

A judge is due to deliver his verdict later this year after studying masses of evidence presented during Hoey`s trial in Belfast.

But with Sinn Fein set to take their three seats on the Policing Board after backing Northern Ireland`s criminal justice arrangements, party representatives could now raise the case at the authority.

Mr McGuinness signalled his party`s determination to get answers.

"There are serious questions to be asked about the Omagh bomb investigation," he told the Ulster Herald newspaper.

"Nobody knows more about what happened than (the PSNI), and there`s a very strong argument for an international, independent investigation into the Omagh bomb investigation and the actual bomb explosion itself."'


At 5:50 AM, Blogger Eddy said...

To follow up on McGuiness saying he would support an investigation. This article was in the Independent recently.

'Republican chief turns a deaf ear to Omagh plea
McGuinness refuses to ask former IRA men to help arrest bombers

At 5:51 AM, Blogger Eddy said...

To follow up on McGuiness saying he would support an investigation. This article was in the Independent recently.

'Republican chief turns a deaf ear to Omagh plea
McGuinness refuses to ask former IRA men to help arrest bombers

At 6:17 AM, Blogger Eddy said...

So to summarise:

1. Nobody has been convicted. Former undercover agents that where involved in the IRA at the highest levels have all the details of who was guilty. Yet they have not been invited to give their evidence.

2. The statements (deemed credible by Nuala O'Loan) by former agents show that specific warnings of the attack where ignored.

Allowing the evidence of these former agents would show that the attack was allowed to go ahead by intelligence services. The result is that the truth and justice have been completely buried.

The farcical aftermath of Sean Hoey's trial in December 2007 was big news. However, watching the news coverage, it focused entirely on details of the trial such as, the evidence presented against Sean Hoey being faulty.

They blamed the police 'mis-handling' of forensic evidence for the fact that there have been no covictions. Yet they somehow failed to grasp (despite Michael Gallagher telling the cameras after the trial) that the key witnesses have never been asked for their evidence. Indeed, Gallagher claims they have been persecuted and 'paid a heavy price', just for attempting to give this evidence.

You can hear Michael Gallagher's statement in the aftermath of Sean Hoey's trial at the following link, or read the partial transcript below:

Michael Gallagher : “We are aware that there are people in the intelligence service who have information that could have convicted the people responsible for the Omagh bombing. And what we have also experienced is – we have seen people who have come forward and can help, and what has happened to those people?

We have seen them being castigated by the authorities, we’ve seen character assassinations on them and even criminal cases brought against them. And I’m thinking of people who have payed a heavy price for this.

Detective Seargent John White, Kevin Fulton, and others; who have come forward and offered their help and have been rejected. And I think that now, the both governments after what we have experienced today and over the last nine and a half years, cannot refuse the families a full cross border public enquiry so that we can get to some degree, to the truth and end the public sight of Omagh.”

Reporter: “Can I ask you just briefly. Police officers lying in court, a cavalier disregard to evidence, you must not be happy with how this case has gone and you must feel that the police have questions to answer.”

Michael Gallagher: “Well we’ll certainly er… be coming for a meeting earlier next year with the Chief Constable and the Secretary of State. I think its … its just beyond belief what we have had to put up with over the last nine and a half years.” Continues to criticize police investigations…

He spoke again in the same manner on Channel 4 News that night.

As he continues, it becomes clear that Gallagher believes there are ‘at least ten’ high level informants (I would assume former informants by now), who know the identity of the bombers. Like for instance Kevin Fulton, and others spoken about in this thread. These informants of course have not been included in any ‘full cross border public enquiry’.


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