The Countercharge

Exposing Tyranny and Corruption

01 August, 2007

New 911 Investigation Needed

A Keith Olbermann report suggests that the Bush administration has used ‘terrorism’ to frighten and distract the media each time there has been some revelation of incompetence or deception regarding 911 or the Iraq war.
To see the report you would have to skip to it in this documentary which I do not endorse otherwise (1:32 The Ultimate Con).+++

Every time a US govt.intelligence failiure or controvery is revealed, it is followed by a frightening terror warning from Homeland security, the Govt or the intelligence services. There are some amazing revelations in here, made even more so by the fact they are always followed by dire, but baseless terror threats. These threats are used at strategic times, and are later revealed to be baseless, or months, even years out of date.

What we know already is damning enough. In addition there is much still being concealed it seems.

A new and full investigation would have a lot to reveal. As to who would have the skill and authority to do such a task…

This Olbermann report reviews the Bush govt. actions in its first 8 months in office regarding the terror threat. Important warnings and recommendations where repeatedly ignored, the terror threat was actively given less priority. This has already been revealed by the 911 commission.

911 commission co-chairman, Lee Hamiltons
+++ believes there are lots of questions unanswered, because they where given little time or money to do the investigation. He said it felt as if they where being set up to fail. They where only given a year, and 3 million dollars which he said was not enough time or money. The investigation into Clinton's affair was given about 64 million dollars.

So I do not think there where any problems with the personal on the last commission, just that they where not given enough time, money and possibly co-operation.

A new commission could take the last report as its starting point, be given indefinite time and money (within reason), and learn lessons about how to get access to information, co-operation and look at points for further investigation or unanswered questions.


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